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What did you want to be when you were little?

Fruchteis was born from that question. It was Irineu’s childhood dream to be like his uncle: a popsicle seller!


40 years passed and the memory from his infancy served as inspiration for that dream to come true, along with her wife Cris and godparents Denise and Beto.


Grouping what we like to do the most: eating with incomparable quality and innovation:


Desserts in popsicle format, made with natural and local ingredients that reference the history and gastronomical culture from the immigrants.

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To amaze our client while offering unprecedented and healthy, be it to complement their meals or simply to enjoy a moment of fresh and tasty leisure.

To be an international reference in development, production line and commercialization of unique, tasty and healthy desserts

Transparency, valorization of what is ours, simple, and rightful; Innovation reference to the richness of our gastronomy and to the cultural integration of our settlement;

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